Yellow aura
Yellow aura

yellow aura

The etheric aura plane is where your psychic abilities live. It also happens to be where you store your capacity to feel and express love. Your astral plane is connected to your spiritual health. RELATED: Awaken the Fire Within: 5 Ways to Connect to Your Spiritual Flame Astral body aura plane The third layer out from your body, your mental aura plane corresponds to your sense of logic, reasoning, and your thinking mind. If you’re stressed or overwhelmed, it may look dull or smudged. Your emotional plane changes color depending on your mood. If you’re currently ruled by your emotions, it’s going to show up here. The emotional aura plane is associated with your emotions. Fittingly, it’s the layer closest to your skin. The physical aura plane is the layer representing your physical health. The seven layers of your aura (also known as bodies or planes) each represent something different. Alternatively, a reading may involve photographing your aura with a camera specialized in capturing electromagnetic fields. During a reading, a person trained to see auras may do a reading without the need for any special equipment. We can study and learn more about our auras by getting an aura reading. These chakras include the throat chakra, the root chakra, the sacral chakra, the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra. Each of these colors corresponds to one of the seven main energy points in your body, AKA chakras, though auras are by no means limited to these colors. The aura color wheel consists of seven main colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. RELATED: Chakras | A Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras and their Meanings Ancient systems of medicine, such as Hindu scriptures like the Vedas, believe that a person’s aura is expressed in layers of color. It’s believed that these layers of colorful light emanating from our bodies can demonstrate our state of being-be it associated with physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional health.

Yellow aura